Are you a Spotify listener?

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  • Are you a Spotify listener?

    Do you listen to music on Spotify?

    Every stream goes a long way especially for independent artists like me.  Your support (for example following my artist page and streaming my music regularly) directly impacts how far my music can reach, and I’m incredibly grateful for that.

    Word-of-mouth is the best marketing, and I’m sure there are people in your life who may also appreciate my music.

    I’ve created this blog so that you can easily copy and paste and send to them (or forward this blog) so we can spread the word about spiritually uplifting music.

    “Hi! I’ve been listening to this musician I really like and I think you’d like them too. Here’s a link to her music on Spotify!

    Your small actions of sharing this message can create a ripple effect and make a huge difference. Thank you so much for helping me share my music to inspire and uplift others!

    Below is a link to my Spotify page as well.  I hope you enjoy streaming the music and thank you for sharing it with your friends. 


    ✨Best ways to support me as an independent artist:✨

     Become a Patron by supporting new music
    and videos in the making!
     Subscribe on Youtube
    ✉️ Forward to a friend

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