A song for 10 Baha’i Women of Shiraz

A song for 10 Baha’i Women of Shiraz

I am happy to share a special project that I’ve had the privilege of participating in. “Ten Women of Faith” is a tribute to the 10 courageous Bahá’í women who were martyred in Iran forty years ago for refusing to recant their faith.

The song is composed by talented musician Bijan Khadem-Missagh and I am honoured he asked me to record vocals for the song. The piece also features two other singers, Ali Youssefi and Mona Golzar and is produced by Jarome Matthew.

You can listen to “Ten Women of Faith” on various platforms including Spotify and Apple Music. Additionally, you can find more information about the song and its significance: https://www.dawnofthelightcollective.at/

Last year I made a video in honor of these courageous women. You can find it here.

May we honor the memory of these heroic women and may their legacy continue to inspire us to serve humanity with love and dedication.

Would you kindly take a moment to follow me on Spotify? By doing so, you’ll receive notifications whenever a new song is released. Click here.

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