Category : Events

'Glimmerings' in a movie!

I am honoured that my music was chosen to be used in a movie called ‘Grace’ about a young woman on her road to recovery. My piano instrumental piece, ‘Glimmerings’, plays in two pivotal moments in the movie and I’m ..

Release Bahai 7 now!

May 14th is the eighth anniversary of the incarceration of seven Baha’i leaders in Iran, who have been jailed for no reason other than their membership in the Baha’i Faith and their service to the Baha’i community.  I found a ..

April Surprise Gifts

For the month of April, with every order of a physical item from my website or either of my Etsy sites, I will be including a surprise gift in the package. Below are a few photos with links to varied items ..

A few more hours…

Just a few more hours till the end of the Infinite Bounty anniversary art sale!  Thanks to all of you who have already bought some of the art pieces.  There are 3 specialty cards left, 1 square canvas and 1 ..

An Evening of Celebration

After releasing ‘Infinite Bounty’ in November 2014, we had an evening of celebration for everyone involved in the making of the album. Unfortunately, I couldn’t invite all the musicians as several of them live in different parts of the world but ..

Infinite Bounty One Year Anniversary Art Sale & Lucky Draw!

One year has flown by since the release of my album ‘Infinite Bounty’!  I am celebrating by having a one week anniversary sale of the album accompanied by 14 limited pieces of artwork I have created especially for this occasion.   As ..

Anniversary Sale for Infinite Bounty Coming Soon!

In a few days I will be sharing an anniversary sale for my latest release, ‘Infinite Bounty’.  I can’t wait to unveil some artwork I have been working on especially for this occasion.  There will be a lucky draw too so stay tuned ..

Arise Video – a composition for the Bahai Twin Holy Days

Last week I shared a new composition entitled, ‘Arise’, a choral piece composed specially for the upcoming Baha’i Twin Holy Days.  I decided to make a video/slideshow to accompany the music with beautiful images of the Shrine of Baha’u’llah in Akka. ..

Our High School Graduate

It is hard to believe our son, Taraz, has now graduated from high school and soon will be embarking on the next adventure in his life.  The graduation was a unique and moving event that was held at the Confucius Temple in ..

Special Springtime Sale: Hands of the Cause book & Infinite Bounty

It has been just over a year since we published our book entitled ‘Hands of the Cause of God: Dorothy Baker, Tarazu’llah Samandari and Amelia Collins’.  The book was published in India and I have shared in a previous post what ..