Category : World

Prayer requests for the Long Healing Prayer

Prayer requests for the Long Healing Prayer

Recently a dear relative reached out to me and shared that they were experiencing severe challenges.  I felt extremely concerned for their physical welfare and wondered what I could do to help.   In my heart I knew, besides giving ..

Gift Songs for Ridvan – 11 languages!

Two years ago I shared a song titled, ‘Rejoice with exceeding gladness – a song for Ridvan’.  I felt inspired to compose a song that everyone can sing together for the Bahá’í Festival of Ridvan.  Click here to download the full song ..

Release Bahai 7 now!

May 14th is the eighth anniversary of the incarceration of seven Baha’i leaders in Iran, who have been jailed for no reason other than their membership in the Baha’i Faith and their service to the Baha’i community.  I found a ..

Rejoice Ridvan Song in Arabic

Last year while composing a song for Ridvan (‘Rejoice with exceeding gladness’), I had hoped to incorporate Arabic as one of six languages of the song.  Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to make it available as part of the song ..

The earth is but one country…

This is a message we all need to hear right now…  

"When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace"

Sending prayerful thoughts to all those affected in the last few days with the horrifying acts of violence in different parts of the world. As I think of these tragedies, these words of Abdu’l-Baha come to mind: “When a thought ..

Invictus – Available on Cdbaby, iTunes, Spotify, Applemusic and more

A few years ago, the world lost a remarkable man who touched and inspired the lives of so many. All over the world, people have written loving words in his memory and I felt the best way I could pay tribute ..

'Arise' – a gift of music for the Baha'i Twin Holy Days

Baha’is all around the world will soon be celebrating the Festival of the Twin Holy Days that commemorates the anniversaries of the Birth of Baha’u’llah and of The Bab (this year the Twin Holy Days fall on November 13 & 14).  For some ..

Ye are the Fruits of one Tree

A lovely reminder that we are all one family…

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Create File

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