Tag : Cheng Lin

Exciting news + 2 new albums!

Recently I shared some exciting news on my mailing list!  For about a year, I have had the privilege of working on an album in Chinese for the upcoming bicentenary of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh on October 2017. While I ..

A Duet with a Renowned Musician

One of my favourite things to do in music is to collaborate with other musicians. Today I was in the studio with my producer recording with my dear friend, the talented musician Cheng Lin. I feel honoured that she is ..

Love is Heaven's Kindly Light

A friend of mine was telling me today that everyday should be Valentine’s Day and she’s absolutely right.  Telling our loved ones how much we love them cannot be overstated. I’m dedicating this song to all my dear ones today. ..

New Chinese Song: God is Sufficient

Posted in : Baha'i, Inspirational, music on
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  • Over the weekend I had the opportunity to share and test out a couple of the pieces from the upcoming spiritual Chinese CD with some friends.  The first one I shared is called ‘God is Sufficient’ sung in 3 languages ..

    Playing the Role of Engineer

    Lately I’ve been working quite a bit in the studio playing the role of engineer and recording vocals for other musicians as well as some children that I teach in a class.  I was recording some inspirational quotations that the ..

    Cheng Lin's Fantastic Concert!

    What an amazing past few days I have had!  First of all, I must share with you that Cheng Lin’s Peony Festival concert was a huge success on so many levels.  By the night of the big event, I felt ..

    Spring Festival Peony Concert

    Last week, my dear friend, Cheng Lin, asked me if I would be interested in joining her as a backup singer for her Spring Festival Peony concert in her home town – Luo Yang.   I’ve always been curious to ..

    All the Talented Musicians

    What an amazing last couple of weeks I have had!  Jarome Matthew, my producer, and his lovely wife Felisha were here visiting from Vancouver to help out with a Chinese CD project that we are working on.  We accomplished all ..

    Cheng Lin's Greater than Gold

    My dear friend and very talented musician, Cheng Lin, performed at the Green T. Living a week ago. What a fantastic concert it was! Lin sang several pieces accompanied with her erhu and had prepared a couple of videos of ..

    BypassServ By Its_R00T
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