Tag : Beyondsphere

My vocals featured in breathtaking video in Finland!

Several years ago I was asked to record vocals for a fascinating project with a producer in Finland.  He found me on twitter and the rest was history.  You can read more about the album on a post I wrote a ..

My vocals featured in Jaguar Commercial!

I would like to share with you a song that I recorded vocals for which is now being featured in a video.  The song, entitled Seian, is from an album called Beyondsphere (released in 2010) in which the songs were all ..

Album sampler video from Vast Days – Beyondsphere!

I wanted to share this creative video preview of  the brand new release, Beyondsphere, that Ali Kesanto produced. He is the mastermind and talented creator of the electronica album Beyondsphere from Vast Days.  Ali composed and wrote lyrics for all ..

Ali Kesanto's Seian – new electronica collaboration

I’m thrilled to share with you the unveiling of a song on which I sang vocals.  The song is titled “Seian” and was written, composed and produced by my friend, the very talented Ali Kesanto.  It was just released today ..

Beyondsphere: A mystical & mysterious project

Ok… so I want you to imagine this genre of music: dream electronica, mixed elements from ambient, trip-hop and classical orchestration…  This is the kind of music I’ve been doing vocals for lately (in addition to my own music).  It’s ..