Tag : new release

Eternal Beloved Released!

We’re thrilled to finally release our new song ‘Eternal Beloved’!!  It has been a long journey giving birth to this project as there have been several challenges along the way so it makes it even more special to be able ..

Album sampler video from Vast Days – Beyondsphere!

I wanted to share this creative video preview of  the brand new release, Beyondsphere, that Ali Kesanto produced. He is the mastermind and talented creator of the electronica album Beyondsphere from Vast Days.  Ali composed and wrote lyrics for all ..

My Latest Release: Edge of Forever, coming soon

Posted in : music, World on
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  • We’re just about to launch 3 new, original songs online! I’m thrilled to be able to share the songs with you as they are unique from all the previous music I have released.  The lyrics are all original and the ..