Beyondsphere: A mystical & mysterious project

Ok… so I want you to imagine this genre of music: dream electronica, mixed elements from ambient, trip-hop and classical orchestration…  This is the kind of music I’ve been doing vocals for lately (in addition to my own music).  It’s a music project that is very different from anything I’ve worked on before (it will actually surprise many of you).  The album is called Beyondsphere from the VAST DAYS collection and is produced by Ali Kesanto.  Ali found me on twitter and soon after decided to hire me to sing vocals on his music (I have shared more about that story on another blog). It’s amazing how opportunities come up in life when you least expect them sometimes and Ali’s twitter message came at a time when I was very ready to experiment with different kinds of music (Jarome and I have also been working on some new original music which I look forward to sharing more soon).
The way it worked is that Ali would send me his compositions one at a time with lyrics he wrote and I would add a melody with my vocals in my studio.  I would send him a first draft to see if he had any comments and we would work from there.  Everything is done long distance (which boggles my mind how we are able to do such projects from afar as Ali lives in Finland)!  My favorite part has been adding harmonies during parts of the songs to add to that mystical feel of the compositions.
Ali describes this project saying, ‘Beyondsphere is a musical and mystical journey towards a new dimension that exists beyond our everyday reality.’  He adds, ‘Creating this project, I was inspired by the human evolution and how we have the ability to transcend our view of reality and move to a new level of perception. I feel that as consciousness we are evolving to a state which resides somewhere beyond separation and dualism, and I wanted to share my view on this process metaphorically through a musical story. I’m hoping to inspire people on their own journeys to embrace the change and the opportunities it brings us for creating a new world based on loving kindness and mutual respect. Beyondsphere is your interface to infinity.’
Ali will be releasing his project soon and wrote a blog about the vocalists involved and added how we felt about participating in his project.  Click here to read. It has been such a pleasure working with Ali – he really is a talented and kind soul and I’m so happy to have been involved in this exciting project.


    Walter Heath November 17, 2009Reply

    It reads like my experiences when I first began composing. I would get lyrics from my collaborator, compose music, record it, and send it back to him. Or vice versa. But it worked very well. To this day I’m shy about working with a writer in real time.
    I can’t wait to hear all this new music you’re involved in. I know it will be magnificent.

    jaleh November 20, 2009Reply

    wow what new horizons!! How exciting for us all! When will we get to hear this?

    Elika November 24, 2009Reply

    Thanks Walter! It has definitely been an exciting process but I must say when I write my own lyrics I DO like working with my collaborator in person. But in this project, it has been quite a relief that Ali just sent me the lyrics so no extra work required in that department.
    Jalehjoon – not sure when the album will be finished. I’ll definitely keep everyone posted.

  • Pingback: My vocals featured in breathtaking video in Finland! | Elika Mahony| Vocalist, composer, pianist, and artist

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