Tag : Bahai music for the fast

Every Hour of These Days

A year ago I posted this blog about a new piece I composed entitled, ‘Every Hour of These Days’ specially for the fast… All around the world, Baha’is fast during a period of 19 days from sunrise to sunset from ..

The new CDs are here!

I am over the moon!  The CDs and the envelopes arrived last night so I was able to send out the first batch of orders today! This album was initiated a few years ago when my son started to observe ..

NEW album released!

For the last several years I have been thinking about making a CD for the Fast since it is a unique time of year and music adds another spiritual dimension to this special period.  I’m so excited now to be ..

Music Inspirations during the Fast

I am enjoying this period of prayer and fasting as it has been nourishing to be able to reflect, create and spiritually rejuvenate. I would like to share a most recent rough recording that I made with my daughter (my ..