NEW album released!

For the last several years I have been thinking about making a CD for the Fast since it is a unique time of year and music adds another spiritual dimension to this special period.  I’m so excited now to be able to release it just in time for the fast!  The album is titled, ‘Meditations for the Fast’.
A few days ago I posted two cover designs on facebook and was overwhelmed by all the comments.  Thanks so much to all who responded.  As it turned out, about half of you preferred #1 and the other half liked #2, which made it difficult to choose! Nonetheless, reading each of your comments helped me make a decision.
The cover chosen is posted below. I chose this option because, as many of you mentioned, it shows where the lamp is coming from. Personally, I find that seeing the poll from which the lamp hangs brings me comfort.  Some of you also mentioned that the pole is symbolic of a connection — with God, through His Covenant. So I kept that in, especially as the Fast is a period of time in which we try to draw closer to and strengthen our connection with God. Regarding the text, I chose to align it so that it provides a sense of harmony and symmetry (many of you agreed).  And the clouds were removed to give the cover a cleaner feel.
Without further ado, here is the link to listen to and purchase the new album!  Kindly share with others.  There are a three different options available:

  1. Digital downloads are ready! $6 (from Feb 1st – $6)
  2. Pre-Order Meditations for the Fast physical CD $7 (from Feb 1st – $9)
  3. Pre-Order Meditations for the Fast physical CD + Art print of Fasting Prayer $9 (from Feb 1st – $12)

The CDs are being duplicated and the envelope printed up as I write this so it should be in my hands the first few days of February.  The CD will be housed in a beautiful envelope and the lyrics will be included in the package. As shipping takes 2-3 weeks from China (sometimes longer), I wanted to release the album early this year to give you a chance to order it in time for the fast.
When you’ve had a chance to listen, let me know what you think of the cover and the album…
Fast Cover photo


    Kimberly January 25, 2016Reply

    Once again another beautiful album just in time for the fast thanks elika

    Elika January 25, 2016Reply

    Thank you Kimberly. 🙂

    jaleh January 26, 2016Reply

    How lovely! So looking forward to listening to this new album. Bless your precious heart beloved one!

    Elika February 10, 2016Reply

    Jalehjoon – I love you!

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