Tag : Chinese CD

Advancing Civilization – New Chinese/English song!

I’ve had the pleasure of being part of a wonderful project that has just come to fruition.  The CD is entitled ‘A Path of Service’ and will be released in the next month or two.  I had the honor of ..

Latest Musical Endeavors

I’ve been having some attacks on my website lately but I’m hoping they will be all clear for awhile and I can continue blogging again. I’m sorry if you’ve had trouble using my website. A short update of my latest ..

Meditations of the Spirit, Chinese CD – Released!

I’m very happy to share that we’ve just released a Chinese CD, Meditations of the Spirit, which I co-produced with Jarome Matthew!  For those of you living in China, you can find more information about the songs here and can ..

Meditations of the Spirit: Due date – December 2009

I’m in labor – figuratively speaking… I’m about to release a new compilation CD called ‘Meditations of the Spirit’ which is mostly in Chinese (there are several bilingual songs too).  It has been a year in the making and I ..