I am thrilled to share with you a new video, “Home of Peace” – a duet in English and Chinese featuring the talented singer Lulu. This song is part of “Beyond Borders”, a global musical project dedicated to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and produced by Ganje Penhan.
Below is the original version of the song in English and Spanish sung with my talented friend Ali Youssefi. This piece is included on my album ‘The Divine Mystery’. Enjoy!
I sang this beautiful quotation at my wedding, hoping it would bring joy, unity, love, and service to our home. My wish is that it brings these qualities to yours too.
Below are the lyrics:
My home is the home of peace.
My home is the home of joy and delight.
My home is the home of laughter and exultation.
Whosoever enters through the portals of this home,
must go out with gladsome heart.
This is the home of light;
whosoever enters here must become illumined….
– ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Special thanks to Lulu for her beautiful Chinese vocals, to Brenda for her inspiring cello recording and to Jarome Matthew for editing and producing the piece. My gratitude to Ali and Shadi Youssefi for editing the video and Ganje Penhan for hosting and sponsoring the project. I hope this music resonates with you!
▶︎ I would love to hear your thoughts! If you feel inspired, please take a moment to leave a comment under the video (and like it) and kindly share it with your friends.
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