Tag : Bahai video

Talented Photographer makes Video for 'Awakening'

One of my friends, Glenn Franco Simmons, recently created this beautiful video for the song “Awakening” from my latest album, Glimmerings. Glenn is a talented photographer who has an eye for beauty and has a passion for taking shots of ..

'Persecution' Video for Bahai Human Rights Day

A few months ago I shared a song called ‘Persecution’ about the 7 Baha’i leaders imprisoned in Iran. Today was scheduled to be the day of their so-called trial, although recent information indicates that the date has been delayed once ..

A New Video Gift – The Bird Which Soareth

I would like to share a gift of a video that we just completed for one of the songs on one of my albums, Fire and Gold.  The song is titled, ‘The Bird Which Soareth’ and we thought it would make ..