Tag : detachment

Learning Patience & Perseverence

Posted in : events, Main, music on
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  • The need for patience has been a recurring theme in my life lately.  The release of Glimmerings has been delayed once again.  In fact several deadlines have come and gone and we are still waiting to share it with you. ..

    Be Generous in Prosperity and Thankful in Adversity

    I have been reflecting on the meaning of detachment and there has been some wonderful discussion on the topic on my facebook profile.  I wanted to elaborate a little further. There is a passage of Baha’u’llah where He says, ‘Be ..

    A Time for Reflection

    Lately, I’ve been reflecting on how busy our lives become when we allow our priorities to get muddled.   It is easy to make excuses and not make time for those things that bring calm and tranquility to our lives. ..

    The Purpose of Tests

    I have been pondering on the subject of tests and difficulties lately and wanted to share some thoughts with you. In this life, anything that gives us an opportunity to detach is a gift because the purpose of life is ..