Be Generous in Prosperity and Thankful in Adversity

I have been reflecting on the meaning of detachment and there has been some wonderful discussion on the topic on my facebook profile.  I wanted to elaborate a little further.
There is a passage of Baha’u’llah where He says, ‘Be generous in prosperity and thankful in adversity…’.  It seems to me that that is the essence of detachment.  Detachment isn’t about whether you have or don’t have things or whether your life is easy or hard.  Detachment is a frame of mind; it’s the quality of the soul that enables you to be happy no matter what.  Whatever life brings us, we see in that a lesson to be learned and an opportunity to grow.  So this idea of being ‘generous in prosperity’ – if life brings us good things, we should share it with others.  If it brings adversity and difficulty, one should see in that an opportunity to grow and practise patience or whatever quality he wants us to learn.  When we’re responding to life at a spiritual level, then we’re practising detachment.  When we view our lives, not as what we are getting out of it, but rather as an opportunity to serve and show love to others and bring happiness to others, that’s the pathway of detachment.  I would love to hear more of your thoughts on this fascinating theme that we all encounter in our lives.
Quote of the Day: “Do not grieve at the afflictions and calamities that have befallen thee.  All calamities and afflictions have been created for man so that he may spurn this mortal world – a world to which he is much attached.  When he experienceth severe trials and hardships, then his nature will recoil and he will desire the eternal realm – a realm which is sanctified from all afflictions and calamities. – Abdu’l-Baha


    hisoka May 4, 2009Reply

    Thanks for sharing ur insights Elika, very inspiring ^^
    I couldn’t agree more.
    I guess detachment is knowing why we are tested and that we will always have a higher mountain to climb after having climbed the previous one.
    The “Fire & Gold” principle, with Fire We test Gold, and with Gold We test Our Servants (Man).
    What is tested through detachment is patience, wisdom and spirituality.
    By spirituality, we could imply “selflessness”, giving without hope of salvation, rewards or whatsoever, for the Love of God only.
    Being detached from all earthly things or wordly desires, selfless service to Humanity for the sake of carrying forward an ever-advancing civilization (the purpose of Man’s creation).
    What do u think?

    Nadia May 4, 2009Reply

    I just love this blog – sums such an abstract quality up so definitively – thanks so much Elika – big hug xxx

    TeacherJay May 5, 2009Reply

    I really like this quote, too. A few years ago I bought a money clip with the quote etched into it. This way, every time I reach to pay for something I am reminded of it. I also happened to post about detachment just today

    Elika May 13, 2009Reply

    Thanks for sharing everyone. I agree with you Dan. Our detachment can be tested in many ways as you mentioned with the virtues above. It’s a great way of exercising those virtues muscles to grow more patience and other wonderful qualities.

    Elika May 13, 2009Reply

    I enjoyed reading your blog Teacherjay! Detachment is truly a fascinating theme. Look forward to reading more.

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