As I wrote in my last blog, my daughter just graduated from middle school. It definitely feels like there has been a transition in the family as I now have two high school students living in the house. When my ..
I have been traveling lately and haven’t had the opportunity to compose. So today, as I was sitting at the piano, the urge to create a new piece was so strong. The adrenalin rush during the process was phenomenal as ..
I composed a song yesterday that I wanted to share with you. I love this quotation as it reminds me of all my loved ones that I wish blessings to be showered upon. The ‘ahhhing’ at the end are supposed ..
Lately I’ve been feeling very inspired to create and write new music. Perhaps it’s because I’ve been in a much more contemplative mood since the passing of my mother-in-law thinking about her life and her soul. In the last week, ..
I just completed a new composition and I must say it’s really hard to describe how I feel right now… It’s such a blissful feeling to be able to give birth to a new creation. I’ve never written a blog ..
First of all, thank you for all your kind responses for the free download of ‘Love is Patient’. I’m so glad that you have enjoyed it. I wanted to share with you a little more about how this song was ..