Looking for Cover Photo for Upcoming CD

This is my favorite time of year as spring has arrived and our roses are almost in bloom. 
I’m currently in the final stages of completing my latest album entitled ‘Edge of Forever’ (you may be familiar with the title as I also used it for a four-song EP I released a year ago) and am now looking for photos for the cover. I’m looking for more mysterious kinds of photos that are intriguing and make one wonder about the meaning of the photo.
As I was thinking about how to find a suitable cover, a friend suggested that I have a “photo contest” to find the best photo for the album cover – and I thought that was a great idea!  So if you have photographed something you feel would suit the name of the album ‘Edge of Forever’, please send me any of your photos by May 10th.  As a token of my gratitude, I will acknowledge the winner in the photo credits on the CD and my website and will also send them a free copy of the album.  I look forward to sharing more about the album in future blogs.
If you would like to send a photo for the contest, please email me at elika@elikamahony.com   Looking forward to your submissions. 🙂
Below is a photo of the cover that I used for the EP ‘Edge of Forever’.  Looking forward to sharing the full album with you.



    jaleh May 4, 2013Reply

    I so love the already existing photo of you or another one of you if you wish to change it

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