'The Photograph' – dedicated to the Centenary of Abdu'l-Baha's visit to America

I have had the pleasure of working on a song entitled ‘The Photograph’ dedicated to the centenary of Abdu’l-Baha’s travels to the West. The creator behind the project is Sonbol Taefi, a professional singer and composer who lives in New Zealand. She initiated the project over a year ago and contacted me to see if I was interested in singing on the piece. Of course I was delighted and the collaboration of an incredible song began. Soon after, I was ecstatic to hear that Luke Slott and Grant Hinden Miller would also be joining in on the project!  With the advances of modern technology we were all able to record our parts in local studios and each sent huge vocal files to Sonbol’s producer in New Zealand to put together.   Sonbol also recorded a choir in New Zealand which has made the song unique.  They did such a fabulous job and brought so much spirit to the song.
We released the video of ‘The Photograph’ over a week ago and many friends have been asking where they can purchase the song. Click here for details (all proceeds will go to the Baha’i Temple Fund).
It has been such an honor to have participated on such an epic song and the response so far from friends has been phenomenal.  Below is the video for ‘The photograph’.  Enjoy!


    praveen May 20, 2012Reply

    listening to this song again and again, makes me feel that this is just not a song , it is an experience , a tribute , a timeless story , congratulations again !!!

    Валентина May 27, 2012Reply

    Очень рада увидеть фотографии с Абдул-Баха и конечно услышать Чудесное пение.Все это затрагивает и радует Сердце и Душу.

    Lidia September 14, 2012Reply

    Hello, I’m Lidia, baha’i from Canary Islands. I want to know how can I have the instrumental melody of this song (like Karaoke)becouse I want to sing it in a festival. Could you help me???

      Elika September 15, 2012Reply

      Hi Lidia,
      Thanks for your message. I will ask my dear friend, Sonbol Taefi, who initiated the project to send me a backtrack. Thanks for your patience.

    Elika September 18, 2012Reply

    Thank you Praveen for your kind comment. I’m so glad the song impacted you so deeply. It really is a special song.

    Maike April 22, 2013Reply

    a wonderful song! in our community in Halle (Germany) we would like to learn it together. is there by any chance sheet music available? that would be perfect. 🙂

    Elika April 22, 2013Reply

    Thank you Maike. At this time I don’t think there is sheet music but I will ask my friend, Sonbol, who produced the song. I will email her now and will give her your email in case she has recently made some sheet music for the song.

      Maike April 22, 2013Reply

      Thank you very much 🙂 If there is just chords for piano or guitar, that would already be very helpful.

    Elika April 23, 2013Reply

    Hi Maike, I just checked with Sonbol and apparently there is sheet music for ‘The Photograph’ and Sonbol just sent it to me. I will email it to you. Happy singing!

    Ms April March 28, 2016Reply

    I have a piano student who would like to learn this song for her spring concert. Is it possible to send the sheet music to me also?!
    Thank you! Beautiful song!

    Elika March 28, 2016Reply

    For sure Ms April. I will email that to you right away. 🙂

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