Birds of Love Dedication

I’m embarrassed to admit that I forgot yesterday was my wedding anniversary!  Fortunately my husband forgot too until he saw the date on his phone!  At first I was so disappointed because I’m usually very conscientious about such things and pride myself in remembering birthdays and anniversaries.  It’s ironic since I’m about to release a new CD and book of quotes for weddings, anniversaries and loved ones called Birds of Love.  I have been working doubly hard to get the package released this month and have been extremely focused on accomplishing the goal date.  As a result of all the hard work, I’m so pleased to announce that on January 23, 2009, Birds of Love will be launched!  I will be blogging more about it in the next few weeks and giving you sneek peeks of what is inside the booklet as well as more about the songs.
Luckily all went well with our anniversary.  I remembered that I had stashed his anniversary gift away some time ago.  But the best gift of all is the dedication that I wrote for Tarry in the booklet of quotes that is accompanying the album which will be bound in a Chinese silk package for Birds of Love.  I’m excited to share with you the first two pages of the book which is the dedication page with an exquisite Chinese illustration.  Each page of quotes will have its accompanying Chinese illustration.
I was informed at the end of the evening that it was one of his most memorable anniversaries yet!  Not sure how to top that next year. Fortunately, he said next year would be his turn to surprise me. 😀
Birds of Love booklet dedication
Thought of the Day:  Love is… a flower so delicate that a touch will bruise it, so strong that nothing will stop its growth. – Fern Wheeler


    Jarome January 9, 2009Reply

    Well, It’s nice to know your not perfect all the time! 🙂
    It takes a lot of work and much sacrifice to make a marriage or any long term relationship work, that’s why there is so much divorce – often one or both people aren’t willing to make that kind of commitment.
    It’s great to see that you two are, your an example to many others.
    Very exciting to see the Birds Of Love package ready to be launched! I’m preparing the songs for digital delivery right now.

    Sarmad January 9, 2009Reply

    Wonderful! Happy Anniversary, dearest Tarry and Elika. 🙂 And we would LOVE a copy of your new CD. 🙂 How may we order?
    Big hugs from Varya, Tessa and Sarmad. 🙂

    Sigi January 12, 2009Reply

    Dear Elika, happy anniversary!
    I’m looking forward to order the book, you are doing wonderful things.
    Kisses, Sigi

    Elika January 15, 2009Reply

    Thanks Jarome! So excited that our project will be launched next week. Thanks for preparing the digital downloads.
    Thanks Sarmad. I’ll be bringing copies to Hong Kong. Hope to see your beautiful family there!
    Toda Sigi! Miss you dear.

    Anonymous January 16, 2009Reply

    This dedication made me cry Elika! I was so touched! What more could a woman want from a husband? If God ever blessed me with such a soul to share my life with – I would be very lucky xxx Congratulations on finishing the project, and on you’re anniversary. Allah-u-abha! 🙂

    jaleh January 16, 2009Reply

    My Sweet and lovely Elly many many congrats for all your accomplishments! and Many Happy anniversaries to come. you are truly both an example to all both young and old. We cherish you dearly and miss you severely… lots of love always

    Gayl January 16, 2009Reply

    Beautiful – where can I purchase a copy

    Marilyn January 19, 2009Reply

    Gorgeous! Congratulations to you both! And may the blessings continue to flow…
    What is this #15 now? We’ll celebrate #42 next week! Where does the time go?
    “The duty of long years of love obey
    And tell of happy days gone by,
    That land and sky may laugh aloud today,
    And it may gladden mind and heart and eye.”

    magnet invitation March 2, 2009Reply

    beautiful bird love of dedication i was touched!! wonderful things !!

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