Hands of the Cause Volume III published

Hands of the Cause Volume III published

Great news!
I am thrilled to share that our book Hands of the Cause Volume III was just published and have now arrived on our doorstep.  This volume includes stories from the lives of three Hands of the Cause: Louis Gregory, Corinne True and Abul-Qásim Faizi. 

The Hands of the Cause of God had a very special role in history: their lives were completely focused on spreading the Bahá’í Faith and protecting it from disunity and division. These devoted souls faithfully served ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi, and prepared the Bahá’ís to elect the Universal House of Justice in 1963.

The original photographs included in the book were professionally colored by talented artist Alice Williams. 

Thanks to my cousin Vered Ehsani and my husband Tarry for their diligent assistance throughout the process.  We started writing these booklets over 15 years ago with the goal of helping youth and junior youth learn more about the unique lives and outstanding services of the Hands of the Cause.  Adults have enjoyed the books also!  (See sample page below).

Order Hands of the Cause of God Volume III

Volumes I and II are also available on the website

The ebook version of all 3 volumes are available as free downloads on Baha’i ebook publications. Download each book for free below.

Volume I – ebook

Volume II – ebook

Volume III – ebook

A sample of the inside of the booklet Hands of the Cause of God Volume III

Update on Music Sale
Thanks to everyone’s loving support, I ran out of stock within 24 hours for ‘Birds of Love’ in the US.  I only brought 20 with me and was pleasantly surprised that they were ordered so quickly. 
I have also decided to make another album, ‘Meditations for the Fast’, available at a discounted rate.  This album makes a wonderful gift for friends fasting as it includes some of my favorite passages about the Bahá’í Fast set to music. 
Click here to order a bundle of 2 or 5 at the sale prices. 

Visit patreon.com/elikamahony to learn how to support my music and crafts.

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