Happy Nawruz – Rose of Love!

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  • On the eve of March 20th, Baha’is everywhere celebrate the festival of Nawruz.  This special day marks the beginning of spring and the New Year.  This lovely explanation describes Nawruz so eloquently:

    The Baha’i New Year is “an occasion for all to celebrate and rejoice, to show forth love and kindness, to leave aside rancour and enmity, and to seek inward and outward renewal; a time to explore how better to contribute to the material and spiritual welfare of others and to build a society in which the innate talents of every individual can flourish without regard to distinctions of class, creed, gender or ethnicity.”
    – Universal House of Justice

    Hoping you enjoy ‘Rose of Love’, a duet in English and Chinese of a Hidden Word from Baha’u’llah.

    Happy Nawruz - Elika Mahony

    Rose of Love


      Kimberly March 20, 2016Reply

      Happy Bahai New Year elika
      thanks for your beautiful gift of music.
      Beautiful Chinese and English singing.

      Sarmad Garmroud March 20, 2016Reply

      Absolutely love this song! My little three-year-old Alyssa and I listened to it this morning! This song is a classic! It brings back so many memories of the first time I heard it! Love it and thank you! Happy Naw-Ruz!

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