Resources for nurturing Love and Marriage

Many couples around the world have been celebrating Valentines Day and so it seems like a good opportunity to share with you a new page on my website with resources for nurturing love and marriage.  The page includes two e-booklets which you can download for free.  The first is called “Getting to Know You — a fun workbook for couples”.  The second is a marriage booklet called “Enriching Marriage and Family Life”.
There is also some special music for love and marriage, including a recitation of Kahlil Gibran’s “On Marriage” set to a spontaneous piano improvisation as well as my ‘Birds of Love gift set’ which has inspiring quotations on the theme of love from many different sources.
Have a look and feel free to download free copies of the two e-booklets.
I hope you are inspired by the new page.  If you have any suggestions of resources that you have found to be useful, please do share them with me and I can add them to the resource page.
May love abound today and every day


    Sarmad Garmroud February 15, 2016Reply

    Woo hoo! Anything about nurturing love in a marriage, I absolutely adore! Thank you for sharing your awesomeness, and it was absolutely FABULOUS meeting you in HK! Love from Zhuhai! 🙂

    jaleh February 16, 2016Reply

    Once again thank you our love Elly for this amazingly beautiful compilation of love and music which is awe inspiring.

    Elika February 18, 2016Reply

    Thanks Sarmad. Hope you can make use of the materials.
    Most welcome Jalehjoon!

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