A song for Ridvan!

Last year at this time, I shared a song titled, ‘Rejoice with exceeding gladness – a song for Ridvan’.  I felt inspired to compose a song that everyone could sing together for the Baha’i Festival of Ridvan.  Click here to download the song.

The song was recorded in different parts of the world in six different languages (English, Swahili, German, Chinese, Spanish and French).  In addition, we now have eight shortened versions of the piece that can be downloaded separately in each language as well as Arabic (recently recorded by talented musician, Sonbol Taefi) and Italian.  An instrumental version is also available in case any community would like to sing it in their own native language.  To download the shortened versions, click here.
The song is a gift to you (please feel free to share it).  Even though the link says ‘Buy Now’ you can download it for free (just enter 0 in the amount). As there were production costs, there is an option for donation.  Enter whatever amount you wish after clicking ‘download’ on the blog or ‘Buy Now’ on the website.
I would like to share a video that a dear friend of mine created specially for the Ridvan song (Thank you Glenn Franco Simmons for this gift).

Hoping you have a joyous festival of Ridvan!

Rejoice with exceeding gladness - song for Ridvan


    Mioara Gram April 18, 2016Reply

    Elika precious, you are a fountain of Divine inspiritation whose generosity is gushing foeth! Special thanks are not enough to you!!

    Elika April 21, 2016Reply

    My pleasure dear Mioara. 🙂

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