Latest songs now available on CD!

Posted in : Inspirational, music on
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  • I am happy to announce that the songs that I’ve been working on lately are now available on CD!
    This is the first time I’ve released an EP (short length album) ‘Edge of Forever’ and it’s now available for sale on kunaki.  It is a limited edition as we won’t be producing anymore of them once we release the full CD.  Here is the link for purchase with a credit card. To purchase with paypal, here is another link.
    Many friends have asked me about purchasing the music as it was only available for digital download until recently so I’m thrilled that more of you can have access to it now.
    The songs are available on itunes for download on this site.  As it is not available in certain countries (like Kenya and China and other countries) at this time, we are now working on making it available on the website itself.  I’ll let you know when that happens.  Thanks for your patience. 🙂


      Varya April 19, 2011Reply

      So exciting, dear Elika!!! Big hugs. Hope we can get it as well soon.

      Sarmad April 19, 2011Reply

      Fantastic news!!! 🙂

      jaleh April 22, 2011Reply

      Congrats my love! Very well done!
      friends have been asking where o get your music….
      love you

      Elena May 3, 2011Reply

      your songs are great, you send an email to my friends so I know you!
      thank you for sending your email!

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    • Derald Hendry June 20, 2011Reply

      Dear Elika,
      Your music is so inspirational…and the quality is unmatched. Keep up the great work you are doing. I am working on a new project: a DVD entitled LORD OF THE UNIVERSE and I would love to include one of your selections as a major part of the project if you would so kindly allow. Will keep you informed.
      (I also would like to send you a complimentary copy of our latest DVD entitled TRUTH IS ONE which tells the story of the world’s great religious Founders using superb visuals and inspirational music from the great classical composers. Please advise me of your address…)

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