Here's how to help spread the word…

Friends often ask how they can help spread the word about the music and videos so I’d like to share some links and some website codes that can be placed on a website or posted on facebook or other sites.
The easiest way is to just copy this link to my free downloads section so people can enjoy the music and videos, and then email, or post online:


(Please use this link so they can sign up to find out when more is available and I can keep in touch)

  • The second easiest way is to use the ‘share this’ button on my blog posts to share them in various ways including email! If you use, you similarly can use the Twit This button’
  • If you have your own website or blog, just click the share button, and copy the code, and then paste it into your webpage to use these fantastic widgets below on your site:
Mini Music Player

Micro Music Player

If you want other more advanced players, you can get the code here to use other widgets to share my music.
(Note, as of writing this, these widgets don’t work with some public web pages such as

  • If you’re on facebook, you can join my group, and then click the share link on the left of the group page, and invite others to join the group. You can also click on the ‘My Band’ tab on my Facebook profile and then share my songs using the ‘Share’ Button next to the song you like!
  • If your on Myspace, you can add me as a friend and then post your favorite song on your profile by clicking on the ‘Add’ button on the right side of the music player.
  • If you use YouTube, you can subscribe to my video channel, and share the links to my videos via email or on other websites by copying the link on the right side of the video where it says ‘URL’. You can even post the videos on your website or blog by copying the ‘Embed’ code below the URL, and then pasting it into your webpage (This must be done as HTML code in the appropriate code view)

I would like to thank my management and label, Pro Soul Alliance for helping me with a lot of the technical assistance in setting all this up for me.
Thank you so much for your support.  Without your assistance, I would not be able to continue doing new music that I love, and offering downloads for free!


    jaleh July 21, 2009Reply

    Hi dearest one Eliika
    i wish i were as hi tech as you and would love to spread the word and share your beautiful music…

    Elika July 26, 2009Reply

    Thanks for spreading the word and for all your encouragement.

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