Solace of My Soul video

Solace of My Soul video

I am excited to share with you the video for ‘Solace of My Soul’.  

>>> Watch ‘Solace of My Soul’ <<<
Download the song ‘Solace of My Soul’

Solace of My Soul – a poem

This was one of the last songs I recorded for ‘The Divine Mystery’.  I felt the album was not complete without adding a couple of pieces from the recently published translations of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s prayers and writings. In particular, the poem that is the basis for ‘Solace of My Soul’ has a beautiful rhyme and I was excited at the opportunity to set it to music. 
As the cello is one of my favorite instruments, I couldn’t resist adding it to the piece (see photo of cellist below). Brenda, the cellist, looks young but she has been playing the cello for over 20 years and is so very talented! I would love to hear your thoughts and impressions. 

How to Support a Musician when a video is released

Below are a few things you can do to support a musician when a video is released:

1. Share the video with friends you think might enjoy it.  
2. Subscribe to my Youtube channel.  
3. Like and comment on the video as it helps to improve the Youtube algorithms so more friends can find it.  
4. Watch the video on repeat! 🙂  
5. Purchase the full album: ‘The Divine Mystery’

Elika’s Patreon Page

If you’d like to support the making of ‘The Divine Mystery’ kindly visit my Patreon page. All my Patrons will be receiving the songs from the album as a gift as well as behind-the-scenes of the making of the album. They will also be the first to receive each song.

Videos for ‘The Divine Mystery’

To watch the following videos on Youtube (already released from my album ‘The Divine Mystery’), click on the following titles to watch them:
Blessings Upon You
Waves of One Sea
We Must Look Higher

Elika and Brenda - the cellist - in the studio recording for Eiika's songs

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