Winners for Infinite Bounty Giveaway!

Thank you for sending in all your nominations!  I was so touched reading through them all. I could feel so much love and appreciation for your friends.
Choosing whom to give the ‘Infinite Bounty’ gift downloads to was challenging as there were so many lovely comments. So I decided to give out 11 album downloads instead of 5!  Because of all the enthusiasm, I will have more music giveaways in the future to allow more friends the opportunities to share the love.
Below are the winning nominations for the ‘Infinite Bounty’ gift album. I will be emailing each of you individually with a gift code that you can email to your friend. Congratulations!

  1. Shohreh Moldenhauer (Graham Nicholson)
  2. Kimberly Gila (94 year old mother)
  3. Lynette Garcia (spiritual daughter)
  4. Marshall Royse (Dana)
  5. Anita (Janine)
  6. Joanne Estes (Joyce)
  7. Mojdeh Mutale  (Sana Honarmand)
  8. Mirshal Lourdusamy  (Tan Su Mei)
  9. Anne Perry  (David Noll)
  10. Arthur Decker (Seamus McClare)
  11. Kristina Kolley (Sarah)

Infinite Bounty music album


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