Commencement & Final Journey Sheet Music ready!

For awhile now, I’ve been looking for someone to create sheet music for several of the songs on my instrumental piano album (Glimmerings).  Some friends told me that they wanted to learn certain of the pieces and recently I found someone who could help with the process of transcribing the music (a huge thank you to John Zechiel for his work!).  After John transcribed the pieces I proof-read two of them (Final Journey and Commencement) and these are now available.  I didn’t realize how moved I would be to see the sheet music with my name on it.  It definitely felt like a milestone to see the pieces printed out out on paper — somehow it makes the music feel more real, more tangible.  The process of proof-reading and making corrections has been surprisingly enjoyable.  In particular, reviewing the sheet music for Commencement was a special experience as it was recorded spontaneously and so I actually didn’t know how to play this piece until I saw the notes on the sheet music. Now I will have to learn how to play it!
Final Journey and Commencement sheet music are now available on the Glimmerings page or on the Merch page.



    jaleh March 30, 2013Reply

    This is sooooo exciting. Well done. I wish you’d transcribe all your music! Now i am able to play them too!

    Elika April 1, 2013Reply

    Thanks Jalehjoon! I would love to transcribe all my music but it’s time consuming and costly so I’m doing Glimmerings for now and would love to do ‘This is Faith’ soon too as there have been a number of requests for sheet music for that song.

    Farhat Anwar July 7, 2015Reply

    Hi Elika,
    Loved your composition “enchantment”. Is there any way to buy the transcription in pdf from online?

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