
Driving in the car today I was listening to this beautiful, reflective piece and was so moved by it.  Two thirds of the way through the song, the violin ensemble tugs at the heart and takes the piece to a whole new level.  It reminds me of the virtue of grandeur.  Then at the end, listen to the last 2 notes – absolutely sublime!


    Sarmad March 6, 2011Reply

    Lovely! I’ve heard it somewhere before — very moving and a marvelous piece of inspiration! 🙂

    jaleh March 9, 2011Reply

    precious! Shahnaz’ mom passed away last night so i’ve been sad though relieved for her as she was in great pain so this music is just speaking to my heart! Thanks love

    jaleh March 13, 2011Reply

    just listening again to this beautiful piece with dad and we’re both enjoying your website.
    love you

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