Twitter meetup!

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  • I went to my first twitter meet-up last week. I hadn’t met anyone who showed up but had been in contact with one of the organizers and had met her on twitter about a year ago. I must say that it was quite a surreal experience meeting several twitterers and having twitter talk at the lunch table and comparing notes. It made me realize how small the world really is and is becoming even smaller with social sites like twitter and facebook.
    We told a couple of stories about our experiences with twitter and I shared that I am now working with a producer from Finland who found me on there.  He composes electronica music and asked whether I would be interested in collaborating with him in singing vocals for his compositions.  I jumped at the opportunity as I really like his music and wanted a change from my own style of music.  I also felt it would be a way of stretching myself out of my comfort zone in singing pieces that I’m not usually used to and comfortable with.  We corresponded by skype a few times and I felt that we instantly connected.  He immediately sent me some of his music with lyrics and asked me to come up with melodies for the pieces.  Little did he know at the time that that is what I most love about composing!  What struck me most though was how courteous and thoughtful the producer was from the start (thanks Ali)!
    I am in awe of how twitter has connected me with some amazing friends and ladies I met the other day.  Thank goodness for my producer, Jarome, who introduced me to twitter in the first place and encouraged me to be patient with it.  The possibilities on twitter are endless!
    If you’d like to join twitter or have already joined in the fun, you can find me by clicking here.


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