Behold Me – a duet video with my daughter

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  • Behold Me – a duet video with my daughter

    I’m thrilled to share a short new video of a duet with my daughter, singing an a cappella piece titled ‘Behold Me’ from my album Infinite Bounty (on the theme of detachment).

    Watch Behold Me

    Listen to the full song

    This track is particularly special because it features a recording by the China National Symphony Orchestra quartet. For more details about the recording process, visit my blog:


    This inspiring quotation by Bahá’u’lláh reminds me of the importance of unity and the power of overlooking each other’s faults in the spirit of love and harmony.

    Bahá’u’lláh wrote:

    “If any differences arise amongst you, behold Me standing before your face, and overlook the faults of one another for My name’s sake…”
    “It is Our wish and desire that every one of you may become a source of all goodness unto men…”

    It has been such a gift to sing this song as a duet with my daughter.

    We have simplified the piece to make it easier for friends to learn and memorize, so it can be shared more widely.

    ▶︎  I would love to hear your thoughts! If you feel inspired, please take a moment to leave a comment under the video and share it with your friends.

    May this quotation inspire us to bring more unity and hope into this world.

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