Painting therapy & in need of your suggestions!

About two weeks before we sent our son to university, I started painting vigorously for hours – I had not picked up a brush to paint in the same fashion for years. In fact, the last time I remember painting so intensely was in high school.  When I reflect on why I started painting again, I realise one reason is that it brings me a sense of calm and comfort and transports me to a different place. Perhaps it was also a way of comforting myself before our son left for college, and once immersed in painting it was hard to put it aside.
I am sharing with you the piece I finished yesterday and would like your help to give it a title.  I will send a gift download of one of my albums to the person who submits the winning suggestion.  Please write your suggestions in the comments section below.
Here is the painting inspired by my African upbringing as I was surrounded by colourful Maasai beads in Kenya! (If you’re interested in purchasing this painting, you can message me for more info. My email is on the contacts page).
NOTE: I have just picked the title for the new painting.  It is called ‘Maasai Gold’. Thank you for your suggestions.  Here is the link to the painting on Etsy.
Elika's new Painting


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